If you knock a man down with your car, and then call him a fool, you are adding insult to injury. 


We went picnicking yesterday. Soon after we started off, it rained, and then, to add insult to injury, the car broke down. 


Phaedrus根據『伊索寓言』編寫了一則故事:一隻蒼蠅在一個禿頭男子的頭上時起時落,攪得他心煩意亂。這禿子瞄準機會,掄起巴掌想打死這隻叮在他頭上的蒼蠅。可是蒼蠅狡猾得很,一下就飛開。結果這禿子不但沒打死蒼蠅反而狠狠打了自己一巴掌。蒼蠅幸災樂禍的說:「你想一下子就把我打死,卻反而使自己痛上加辱,你想怎麼辦呢?」(You will to kill me for a mere touch. What will you do to yourself since you have added insult to injury?)此語比喻:傷害之後又加以侮辱;每況愈下;更糟;屋漏偏逢連夜雨。


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