寶貝們送的生日禮物---馬修連恩的生態音樂專輯---The Arctic Refuge

非常喜歡Heart Of The Refuge〈北極心〉這首歌:

Have you seen the face of glory                   你曾看過光輝的容貌嗎
Have you felt the power within                     你曾感受到內在的力量嗎
Have you been to where the hands of       你曾到過時間恍若靜止的生命源頭嗎
Time stands still and life begins              

Have you seen the winter' longing            你曾見過冬天期待夏天的雨水
For the summer rains
Wildflowers announce the dawning          野花報曉
Spring is on the Coastal Plain                  春天滿佈海岸平原嗎

It is the song of the mountains                  這是北極海的群山之歌
Above the Arctic Sea                  
It is the song of the rivers                            這是流過我身體的河流之歌
That are flowing over me

It is the song of the children                       這是原始與自由萬物繁衍之歌
The wild and the free
This is the heart of a refuge                       這是北極心
The heart of you and me                             你我的心

Everywhere is life returning                        處處生命週而復始
Sacred is the destiny                                   神聖的使命
Everywhere the children learning              寰宇萬物傳承
What it is that they will be                             現在與未來

Seasons come and seasons go              季節來去之間
And rivers overflow                                       河水滿溢
Gather now the herds of summer             夏日動物群聚
Autumn is the time to go                             秋天起程遠去

This is the heart of a refuge                       這是北極心
The heart of you and me                             你我的心

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